On 16 April 2024, the Matthias Bel Day event took place at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic. The main theme was the importance of education and science for society.
The objective of the Matthias Bel Day event was to disseminate and promote the essence of the intellectual heritage of Matthias Bel, the writer, scientist and important personality of 18th-century Hungary, emphasising the postulates of national equality, religious tolerance, the unification of people and nations, love for the country and faith in the power of education, science and culture.
The event was opened by the Chancellor of Matej Bel University Vladimír Hiadlovský and Ábel Ravasz, President Emeritus of the Matthias Bel Institute and Advisor to the Minister of Education. Together they pointed out the importance of Mathias Bel's intellectual heritage and his contribution to contemporary society.

The first panel focused on the importance of education and science for society and the second panel explored social science research and informing the public from a civil society perspective.
Our President and Senior Researcher Dr Svetluša Surová, minority expert, and Ábel Ravasz presented perspectives on current issues related to national equality and tolerance.

"It is very important to link research with practice and advocacy in the field of minority policies and rights, because what is the point of knowledge and understanding if we do not act on it" said Dr Svetluša Surová, who is also a graduate of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the UMB.

Ábel Ravasz closed the event with the words: "Doing something once is a shot, doing something twice is a good attempt, but the third time is already a tradition. That is why I am already looking forward to the third edition of the Matthias Bel Day".