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Minorities to Minorities

The conference Minorities to minorities was about forms of joint representation of minority interests and their possible goals in the future.

KOMPROMISSZUM has organized a second conference Minorities to Minorities on November 22, 2024, in Bratislava and MIRI took part in it.

The main goal of the organizers is to build a community forum that could serve as a platform for uniting the interests of all minorities, especially those minorities who currently live in isolation. The founding meeting of the new forum is planned for January 24, 2025, in Bratislava.

Our President and Senior Research Dr Svetluša Surova participated in the conference and we at the Minority Issues Research Institute (MIRI) support this important initiative from Kompromissum.

Photos from the Conference Minorities to Minorities from November 22, 2024, in Bratislava shared by Kompromisszum.


Conference programme

The conference was opened by Tamás Pataki, Director of Kompromisszum followed by speakers: Kristóf Braunsteiner from Kompromisszum; Bálint Jósa, Director of United for Intercultural Action; Marcell Lőrincz, Director of Subjectiv Values institute and  Sandra Alloush, Board Member of The European Network Against Racism.

Further a video message by Ľudovít Ódor, Former Interim Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic was streamed.

Veroni Gyengeová, host from Kompromisszum performed slam poetry.

The participants could see an interview with Malgorzata Chillkiewicz from Kalejdskop Kultúr – Wroczlaw by Philip Pollák, Editor from Kompromisszum.

Before the documentary film premiere “Quê hương – Domov” about the history, culture, and daily life of the Vietnamese community, including their successes and challenges, Tamás Pataki, Director of Kompromisszum closed the conference.

Watch the video from the Conference


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